Cash is king at the flea markets and there are very few vendors who would take credit cards, so it is better that while shopping you should have at least hundred dollars in your wallet to buy what you want to buy. Believe although flea market has its share of bad news like fake and low quality stuff, if you are savvy enough, you can buy quality stuff from some vendors without getting your hands burned. And if you buy more than one of the same stuff you can even bargain down the money. Although haggling over the posted prices is normal in flea markets, if you are buying used stuff you can get away with haggling but for the new stuff, you may have to pay the posted amount which is already the lowest money the vendor can take in order to make some profit.
Although to be fair, I don’t have much experience in flea markets but if you countless of the Americans still out of work or working minimum wages or making it hard to make ends meet, flea market is an excellent idea to make some extra cash and the best part is that you can do it on the weekends and with your family. One more thing, most of the flea markets do require some kind of sales ID from the state where you plan to sell so make sure that you have one before embarking on your new small business.
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