Thursday, March 24, 2011


In deciding whether to renovate or not, many factors are involved, mostly it is about money or whether you want to stay in one area or if your family is expanding. But mostly it is about money. You have to set aside a certain budget and then try to work within it to make your renovation and it is an ongoing process. If you are short of money, then you can renovate one part of the house and then do the rest when you have money. Some people use the home equity line of credit to do renovation (I would suggest against it), while some use their savings to do the necessary work. Either way you are reducing the amount of money available to you in times of emergencies.

If you have a major renovation then it is better to stay out of the house for a few months but where to go, if you have relatives you can move in with them and thus same some money (but cause inconvenience to your family and theirs in the meanwhile). Or one suggestion is to stay in your home and do your renovation room by room so that you don’t have to move out of the house. But any way you do it, it will be inconvenience to have contractors and repair people coming in and out of the house every day for weeks on end.

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