If you have a car, you know how much you have to spend on it in order to maintain it and make sure it works when it really counts. At least with the house, if you maintain it and pour money into it, hopefully it will pay off in the future. But not with the car, the more you put into it the less likely you are going to get it (unless it is a classic then it is whole different story). You are just maintaining your car because either you don’t have the money to buy another one or you want to last it much longer or you cannot afford to be without a car for even a few days. Either way it is an expensive proposition to maintain a car.
In the winter you have to make sure, the car is warmed up and in the summer you have to make sure it is cooled enough not be get overheated. Then there are the tires. You have to make sure they are the factory recommended air pressure. Then there are the scheduled maintenances. For brand new cars it is every five thousand miles and for the old ones every three thousand. It includes oil and filter change and other regular maintenance. Although they are not that expensive but it still must be done. Any single thing screws up in the car and you have to take care of it within a certain time otherwise it can escalate into major expenses.
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