Apart from the previously mentioned expenses, the biggest one is the insurance. No matter even if your car is parked in garage, you still have to buy insurance and this is the biggest ongoing expense. In order to get a good rate, you must be living in a nice town and have a perfect (meaning no points) driving record. Otherwise you get hit by enormous premiums. Another part of having car maintenance is that even if you buy your car in installment with interests involved, you cannot deduct it on your income tax returns.
So you should always know a thing or two about your car so that you don’t get duped by unscrupulous and shady mechanics (and they are out there believe me) when it is time to fix up your car. A triple A membership should also be considered although not mandatory. So like a house, you need car insurance more than ever since you will be on the road and constantly dealing with other drivers who may or may not be as good with their cars and driving habits. And you don’t want to know what happens if you don’t take care of your car and it breaks down just when you are in a hurry to go somewhere.
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