Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Great Natural Calamities of 2010

The year is not even one fourth finished and the northeast has been pounded by more snow and rain than in previous years. First it was the record breaking snow that was wrecking havoc in the north east. And now we had enough of the rain that several rivers in the northeast especially in New Jersey have risen high above their flood level stage. Accompanied the heavy rains were Hurricane strength winds that knock down trees and utility poles in several cities in the Northeast. I have watched many areas submerged in flood water with countless homes destroyed and inhabitants uprooted from their homes.

You see it is nice that one has a home near the river when it is tranquil and serene, but when the rain comes, the same river can and have destroyed homes. There are people who have said that they will move from their homes as they are sick and tired of cleaning but there are some who still are defiant and have said that they will clean up, fix their homes and stay put like the people in Hurricane prone areas of Florida. Either these people have no place to go, they are defiant and arrogant, they love where they live or whatever you want to call them but I feel for them for if I have these kinds of situations where your house is flooded and you have nowhere to go even in the interim period will be very devastating for me and my family.

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