Due to this economy, many people have started to rely on coupons to pay for their groceries and stuff. Although coupon cutting have long been done but due to this economy many people are taking more time and even going into extremes to get coupons. There are many sites on the internet where you can get coupon easily without waiting for your Sunday news paper to come. It is as easy as printing them out on your printer. This has in turn squeezed many groceries whose margin are already thin and getter thinner due to these coupons. When I do groceries I see a lot of people standing in the checkout counter having their coupons scanned and reducing their grocery bills by at least 30 to 40 dollars. I envy them for saving so much money. Although most of the people let go of these coupons because of the hassle of cutting and printing them and finding them but if you are going to save some money(a lot of it sometimes) you have to make a good deal of effort.
Whenever I get my hands on some coupon I do use them but overall I am not a fanatic in trying to find sites where you can get coupons easily. I should do it or let my significant other do it (if they have the patience) because in the end you can save a lot of money by doing this)
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