Now just before I start to give my opinions about this office rules. Just to let you know that it is up to the courts to decide these on a case by case basis, I am just giving my opinion and it should be considered as such. If you are not sure what is and is not appropriate office privacy policy regarding internet surfing and emails, just proceed on the side of caution. You can surf the internet (that is why the company provided you to do) but you don’t have to go to the auction sites (if allowed) or the porn sites (a big NO NO) or gaming sites. There are plenty of sites you can surf without being on the radar of the company policy. Some companies completely block some sites like blogging and private email sites. If you want to send an email, you can send it via your company’s email system. But be forewarned that the email may be intercepted for any company secrets, in appropriate behavior and the like. Social networking sites are an iffy, they can be blocked by some companies but others allow them, but again it is better to not go there. You can wait for the eight hours to go home and surf the web. If I had a company I would first bar the staff to surf some sites and if that does not work then block it completely. I am completely on the company’s side that if you are working on their computers and on their time, you need to concentrate on your work. Occasionally you can go and surf to kill the routine or just read some news but to play games and check your emails and go shopping for long moments of time I would not approve of.
Anyway just use your common sense and especially in this economy try to stay away from the internet as much as possible if you are at work. It would be good for you and the company too.
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