Tomorrow is Christmas. Due to the Political Correctness we are now suppose to say happy holidays. But sorry to say I still don’t get it. I just get one day off on Christmas and that’s it so why do we have to call it happy holidays. Maybe Season’s Greetings should be more appropriate or maybe we should ask first if the people whom we are going to greet if they will be off for the whole month of December or ask people if they will get offended by a certain type of greeting.
You know maybe I am being blunt but no offense to anybody, we should say what is right for the occasion, and it is more of being accepted or of not offending anybody’s feelings that we have a neutral greeting. But most of the world still says what is essentially a Christmas season. We should be worried about what our economic situation and not worry about being politically correct all the time since we can’t change the facts just by hiding behind some mirage or façade. Well I hope I may not have offended anybody’s feeling by inputting my two cents into this situation (and if I did I apologize in advance) and it is just my personal opinion, otherwise it is up to the individuals how they approach life.
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